here i m, supposed to be aslp. but i'm waitin for a bit longer b4 i take my dose of medicine b4 i go to slp. gt a large bit to blog abt, but i think i shall leave it for nxt time. my head feels like lead, all thnx to the rather potent anti-flu medication. used the previous few quiz thingy to be sorta of a filler, just for fun, coz i thot it's kinda cute? i realised that it's time i change my blog layout, coz i'm "supposed" to do it annually, but i'm lazy and i like to think that army owns too much of my time, so no layout change till i feel it.
one more thing b4 my head gets too heavy for me to lift, i realised there's a few pple i want to meet over the CNY holidays (which i think it's that long thnx to mr. lee), but it's just tough luck, kenneth.
Sculpted@12:19 am
Your Hidden Talent |
 You're super sensitive and easily able to understand situations. You tend to solve complex problems in a flash, without needing a lot of facts. Decision making is easy for you. You have killer intuition. The right path is always clear, and you're a bit of a visionary. |
Your Inner Blood Type is Type B |
 You follow your own rules in life, even if you change the rules every day. Sure, you tend to be off the wall and unpredictable, but that's what makes you lovable. And even though you're a wild child, you have the tools to be a great success. You are able to concentrate intently - and make the impossible possible.
You are most compatible with: B and AB
Famous Type B's: Leonardo Di Caprio and |
Sculpted@6:06 pm
enlistment looms. packing done, physically, mentally n emotionally.
be going in expecting the worse, but hoping for the best. hope not to sign extra/get more than necessary confinment and etc. so i can be out, out of camp to go out and such. have a few pple i still wanna meet n such. yet to some, i guess i'll give up on maintaining a half-broken thread. it's been enjoyable in the past, but no more active actions by me. it's about time some of you did smtg if u still have any wish for the frenship to continue. people do change, sadly.
but for the rest, i'm glad to say i've known you, despite not being connected by a CCA or activity or wat, things get better. so :)
it'll all be different for me when the sun rises again. but for you, i can only guess.
Sculpted@11:24 pm
HAPPY 06 everyone!
all i can say is that i'm glad 2005 is behind me. the terrible A's finally history. my results will be left to be seen, and i guess it will be NUS for me. was able to forge stronger frenships in 05 and really glad abt it :) though i must say that be only of my few achievements. CCA-wise, it was a rather disappointing year, but i guess i learned from my mistakes and mis-judgement of pple's trust n faith. well, in the upcoming year, army will pawn me :( but there's WORLD CUP 2006 to look forward to! so yay to that for now :) but i guess army would teach many many things to me, and i would be glad to learn them, though preferably in the soft way.
everyone's definition of achievement is different. for me, one way i take great pride is in organising a date that both would enjoy. well, on the 31st i must say i achieved, for it could be even said as the 1st time i felt as such. no dobut the research was quite a fair bit, but it pays its rightful dividends, for this was one of the best times out. though activities were still influenced by a large share of random-ness and getting lost (well, the stupid website didnt give me a map at all), but sometimes all that matters is the company :) add a heart to heart chat into it and it's simply more than enuff. though i had some other "trick" up my sleeve, but i guess the horrendously big crowd didnt allow it :( anyways, i'm greatly contend as it is indeed a one of the best possible way to end the year!
i think i must get this off my chest, in order for me to be able to have some proper night's rest.
what you said on that train could be a passing comment, but i doubt such randomness exists. but if it's, then ignore wateva's below. i guess maybe i'm have just imaginating things if that's the case.
well, you did caught me off-guard for a moment, but i guess practicality will have to take priority. when i was stressed on 30th nite, the most impt cause was of what shuld i do yesterday. army is beckoning, u have ur commitments and it would be unfair to ask u for anymore. i will of coz respect ur wish. wait for u, i shall. though i have some how i fear it may one of the greatest regret in my life, for not doing anything more as of now. i would like to be proven wrong. moreover, there's a small selfish part of me that just wants more, but i guess that part shuld stay small.
all the best for year 2006! and thank you for ur company, card n clock!
to start a relationship, many factors must fall in place. all i hope is that in the future, nothing would be amiss.
Sculpted@2:34 am
well, let's start off first from picking up from where i left off. 23-25 dec was spent in malacca (again!) wif my uncle's family, my 2 cousins and my bro. though we had to squeeze a bit into the car, but all the good food ate along the trip made it all so worth while. that's the crispy chicken wings, yu zha kuek, chicken rice, ramly burgers, and zhi chas :) also, had a great talk wif my 2 cousins n bro, regarding relationships and all. hrmm.. realised that one of my cousin is rather pro wif these kinda stuff, though he doesn't seem so. haha.. great tactical play according to him. haha.
then 26th, i meet up wif jielin. was quite surprised that she was free, despite all her work and wat not. chatted a bit abt things here n there, though she seem quite worried abt the future. well, i wish her all the best!
27th, went out wif fang, daryl, and qx, to bowl. but well, had to pit stop to library 1st, coz i wanted to borrow some books to start reading a bit. but somehow didnt end up bowling, and more time on arcading. guessed i was stuck on the soccer machine for an overly long time, that the rest gt a bit pissed off :p sorry! i didnt expect myself to last so long coz it's my 1st time on that game. but :) but i lost my hp for like 2 hours, b4 i realised it and had to take cab back to the arcade to get it. somehow it was still there, coz guess puzzle bubble has no more admirers and thus my handphone was still there ;)
28th, met up wif pri. school classmates in the aft. well, it's really gd to see all of them again. not all of them actually were present, some were too proud, imo, to appear, but those whom appear were really much different from those i had in my mind. they tell me i'm still the joker ard, i guess i'm. it's my way of breaking the ice, wat better way is there other than to talk crap n joke ard? nite was my sec school council gathering, though a sad amt of pple turned up. i must say i'm rather disappointed wif some of them. even after so long, they still kept their airs that their PREVIOUS posts gave them.
29th was "suppose" to be my rest day. BUT, i decided to go on my job hunting frenzy. pop-ed by recruit express wif py n sihan. signed wif a few pple, and was rather hopeful that they would get me a job. but anyways, it doesnt matter at all now :)
coz JAN 6th ENLISTMENT for me. wow, SAF did grant me my wish. no more employment woes :) but still MINDEF cut short my time, for i really wanted to do something else with those 3 months but i guess "divine intervention" has stopped it.
30th was the day i went down to get the notice and met up wif my sec 4 class in the nite. once again, sad turn up rate. it's rare enuff to have a meeting for my sec 4 class, but sigh :(
Sculpted@2:10 am