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YAY! nights out!
as my course sgt say, it's a privilege, and the feeling is very shuang to come out!
anyways, it's just more or less to let us relax a bit and slack, raise morale.
i think my course will be naturally quite tough, a lot of things to learn, n my squadron (sqn) 163 seems to be rather paritcular abt fitness, thus much physical training for us. but sometimes it's in the form of sports and games, so i think it's even more beneficial. i think it will accomplish wat NINJA failed to do.. and 18 gold out of 20 wont be that hard for the whole course.
i hope n believe that once i gotten used to my sqn lifestyle, then it would be even better for me there. the bloody 1 inch thick sponge bed is by far the worse thing there thus far. still in the process of getting used to it, hopefully, once i pass out from my course, i can do much abt it. the heat in the room is rather bad as well. the food is surprisingly rather good, coz maybe they cook for v.little pple only. yeah, but the location sucks... it's in the middle of all the graveyards, regardless of religion lar.. n it's really very very silent at night. no cars, no bus, can hear the crickets..

Sculpted@8:32 pm


As it can be seen, it has been an incredible long time since i've the determination to blog. much has happened, but let me start on the first day of this month.

1st march, the day where my 2 previous years of my life were devoted to wait for. to be more precise, it's to wait for the piece of paper that read, AAAB n C5. so yeah.. no doubt i'm quite pleased with the results but i thot my GP could have been much better, nevertheless, the surprised look on my CT is well-worth a camera shot :)
i guess he must been even more shocked that i asked him to be my refree for scholarship applications.. haha.. no harm trying :D and more importantly, there was bookout from tekong. but come to think of it now, it didnt seem to matter that much...


fast forward thru the last tekong days, where there wasn't much "development" session by even the much feared "N" coy.. then there was the motion of POP, though one inevitably feels proud from passing out of that "N" coy and has one's parents witnessing the event. though the SSM is a tape recorder (with the same few phrase on repeat) and i believe it has crossed more than one recruit's mind to shut him up forcefully. oh, i tried to sneak back to show my parents block 44 of tekong BMTC, but got caught and it sure was funny to see the sergeant being SO SO SO polite to my parents while normally i would have been "severely physically developed".
sadly, that day wasn't my last on tekong. following up was re-ippt and re-BIC, which were plain uneventful. then i got my posting, which i believed i have used all my luck to get it. Air def weapon operator. air force so far has been quite relaxed... probably will have tough training to learn the weapon assigned.. but other than that, there's basically no more infantry rubbish to be done, just the occasional execrise here n there i hope. whatever it is, i think it is already much better than infantry. woohoo :)


clearing my re-BIC, i kinda rushed down to NUS open house n listen and poked around for uni course info and i did call a senior (the previous night) to ask for some advice and voiced some questions. i must say, uni application sure is troublesome, time-consuming and irriating. gd thing, i gt it over and done wif already, for both NUS n SMU. SMU was quite impressive in my opinion when i went down wif my platoon mate after soccer on sunday.. the courses seem rather interesting and it seems that i'm exmepted from a fair bit of modules.. this way i can get more in less time.. rather well worth the effort to go there.. the only down thing is that it has no hostel, ie no hall life, which is quite a big deterrent in many ways... but NUS biz cant really make it imo and it looks like terribly unexciting not being able to take econs n biz together. nevertheless i shall wait till my applications are accepted and the dust of all the POSSIBLE interviews and wat not to settle, before making a serious decision.

now, i'm slightly worried abt the few scholarship applications that i sent up on the day of the deadline.. especially the SIA one.. which according to courier mail, reached there at 16:49. i wonder they would have time to reach my application and not consider it late... as of now, i seem to see a lot of pple going for interviews and wat not, and i havent even recieve a whiff of wat is the outcome of any of the applications. the firefly one.. oso quite worrying, it just says application sent n that's it.. i feel a fair bit of gg-ness. a classmate alrdy has a JTC scholarship to LSE, n is buying her ZARA mink coat -_-

though i had 12 days of block leave, the 1st 5 was sadly used up for various stupid army purposes. so i was left wif 7 days to contend myself with. n i must say it been a very fulfilling 7 days :)
monday, met up wif ms. quek for lunch at fish n co for her celebratory bdae lunch. bumped into her classmate whom totally didn't look the same age as us.. and visited the orchard library n managed to get a few books that has been useful in combatin boredom in the air force school. dinner was at breeks wif muggerpoks, which we blabbered on abt her workplace that's gradually being re-named after her soon... and had a rather sour-sweet dessert at taka, overlooking the entrance, just coz venezia was out of cookies n cream.. the cafe was quite a cool place, wif a nice view.. all the cars just zoom past.. n pple walking below.. a high n mighty POV?

tues, was totally tiring.. had to go get certified true copies for all my sec school n JC stuff.. then had to churn out like dont know how many essays for the few scholarships. and the SIA was the worse, i worked from 1am to 7am on all their essays even i had base reference materials which i previously typed out. well, i hope it would well worth the effort.

wed, was spent slping, due to the garguntan task of all the stupid SIA essays. n in the afternoon, recieved a call to ask me to go back to do GUARD DUTY ON TEKONG within 50 mins. it was a definite no-go man.. especially so when it's other punks from other platoon played MC trick. so anyway, situation was diffused, albeit with some unhappiness. evening, met up wif my TAG frens for pizza hut dinner.. n i ended up having to eat many many pieces of pizza.. even a guy has his limits to eating.. but it was very entertaining wif much suan-ing traded and catching up done. also, reminicising the days spent in the GIC building sure brings back much smiles. like the times at abt me n the coffee machine, the ice-cream palour, jerlene getting drunk, slacking at the pantry n the list goes on lar...

thurs, zoomed down to watch V for vendetta ASAP. it's a celebration of my bdae after all :) haha.. but it was truly an enjoyable show for me. i much liked the plot, the alliteration of V's and much more the distinct possiblity of such a totalitarion government existing. though i never been much a fan of politics, but i thot i still could appreciate it a fair bit (despite army eroded much of my brain cells). unfortunately, it seemed that jielin didnt enjoy the show as much :( but nevertheless, still chatted much wif her and that was good enuff :) the most impt thing whenever i chat wif her is that i musn't think too much or read too much in between the lines.
at night, platoon stayover at my platoon mate's house... took a bit of time to find my way there, coz it stuck in some rather obscure corner of yio chu kang area... and mahjong-ed away 10 bucks to my sgt...

friday, went out wif my cousins. basically caught up wif each other, slack ard n chat. though i must say i was dead tired at the end of the day (due to slping almost neglible amount of time), so i was a bit stoned throughout the day, but still had a gd time. proves that for cousins can stay close even if work,uni,army is in the way.
saturady, spent a great 4 hours on soccer! :) then attended this cross-talk show wif my parents and bro, rather entertaining, for there was a great variety of performances and the audience was rather lively, resulting in a rather delightful atmosphere. then went to MOS wif my bro n his frens... bit expensive for the bloody cover charge, but still it's for the "visiting" experience.
sunday, section lunch, quite a last minute thing.. informed my sect. comm a bit late, then he had COS duty.. bit wasted in the sense... nowadays, everyone has their own vocation, will be hard to meet up as a section again.. shall see how it goes..

one week of RSAF orientation in Air force school just zoomed past.. was rather sad when i wasnt be able to go the same camp eventually wif a few frens i made there.. just shall have to make more frens again... n for almost as long as i remember, such a scenario where i'm thrown into a brand new environment wif almost no familiar face has been ever present since day 1 of catholic high school. so i must say i've gotten used to it and this newest venture till 5th nov 2007 would be just the same.

had been a rather rough 2 weeks, in terms of friendships. well, if they still could be considered as that, i would be very glad to do so.. but i did make a few very drastic mistakes. apologises are just words which can be all so superficially regardless of the sincerity meant.. so i'm simply at a lost on wat to do, to redeem the situation, if it even possible.

it's been a few months in NS, though i occasionally feel how screwed up the organisation is, but i wont deny its benefit. had a rather interesting chat wif simin that day, which put certain perspective n angles in my way of viewing NS. haha.. no doubt i still rather sian now of my lim chu kang camp wif its 2 coloured meals, impossibly thin sponge beds and absurd location, but i'm sure it would have its own redeeming factors. i guess complaining abt NS is a must for guys, but pass ORD date, one could look back n regale all the screwed up situations and the laughter.

this ends the rather long entry which took me 5 days to blog out. if u managed to read till the very end, i do thank you for ur stamina and appreciate ur effort :)

Sculpted@8:59 pm


Awakened :)
Forging forward


To enjoy injury-free soccer
Better understanding
Processing out more junk
