thnx to tagboard being scraped, n cbox being set up, i decided to revamp a little bit. just a little bit anyways.
clearing much leave these few days, no thnx to the @2#!^@% parade n rehearsals.
getting myself into the ORD (aka no more army) mood too early. rather bad.
blah, getting broke nowadays. have been investing lots of my cash recently. hopefully, i'll be able to get back some decent returns :p
been trying to budget my ever-rising expenditure, but to little effect. maybe i ought to enforce more restrictions like eating at home much more often. mum's cooking good as always, but somehow i really never got much time to savour it during my out-of-the-shithole times. hrmm :(
my room is getting more n more messy n unkempt. magazines, mails, dvd games, my beloved ps2 n whatever not lying all around. when my bro is back from his european holiday, a cleaning up is much needed.
oh n speaking of europe, i kinda like a swatch, maybe some nice european eau de toilette as well.
Sculpted@3:44 am