Cropped version on my handphone wallpaper looks nicer.
I think the picture does too much justice for the painting this time round. Lol.
Am glad I cleared this for the week, and can enjoy my camp without worrying about clutters stuck, even though it came at an expense of much missed sleep :(
Love the water reflection effect and the colour i used to coat the sea with.
Would still need to work on the perspective of things and improve my realism of things.
Signed up for a one way street. I guess that is it.
Okay! FTB time!
Sculpted@7:03 am

Second drawing. I must say I am less pleased with it actually. Used too much water and being too impatient for this drawing. Apparently, even the quick drawing nature of acrylic is not sufficiently fast. but nevertheless, had some wonderfully successful expirementations with the palatte knife and some colours.
i must say i'm slightly getting a bit of the hang of being able to paint the way i want to, for basic styles. however, i have yet to be able to convey 3D depth in an object using colour and tones :(
something to work on next time round. shall attempt some human figurines nxt time round. think the photo don't do my painting justice actually :( makes it look so dark.
been some very long days. but nevertheless, fruitful :)
I guess i do smile alot more, but I have yet to find the ability to truly laugh.
Sculpted@2:28 am

My first painting. First of a series of at least 6.
Acrylic Painting is a lot messier than i thought, and worse still, once it dries, it damm hard to get it off. So for now, my arms n legs would have residue spots/streaks of paint.
but nevertheless, it was a very fun attempt, with many blotches along the way.
would be looking to improve on my next painting :)
Sculpted@9:50 am
Once again, I welcome my blog to be an avenue for 2 things.
Firstly, to express myself, no matter how coded or abstract I tend to be at times. There are just things that are not meant to be explicit.
Secondly, to keep a record, regardless of how incongruous. It's better than none.
While I should and will have a discussion soon, the feelings of being unfairly accused and mis-interpreted are boiling over.
And for once, I really really hope that my hunch is wrong and especially since as I have very much incomplete information and knowledge. Only time will tell.
At the end of the day, what matters most to me is that beautiful smile on your face and that you are truly happy and will be happy.
Sculpted@2:50 am
It really is a paradox.
When you don't want to blog, you have endless verbal diarrhea to pour out. Yet, like this very moment when I feel like typing a few lines on to cyberspace, I'm stumped.
Well, I was using that previous line to kick-start my blogging engine.
Apparently, my decision to go for the Arts camp by SMU is quite a controversial one?
I mean why else would everyone have a comment or remark about arts camp, when I list out my camp schedule. I am not here to defend that decision, but I would gladly share with anyone that wants to know my reasons why so.
Speaking of art, I'm currently embarking on a personal project to paint. For now, I'm trying out some watercolour and acrylic. A very tentative small step in the realm of visual arts. It is astonishing of how big that realm is. I am currently a bit lagging behind the milestones set, and wanting to supersede them, I will have to push harder. It would be nice and appreciated if you guys would give me some support/encouragement :)
Been fighting the sleeping monster daily, and while so far, I have won. I fear that these are just Pyrrhic victories. It is in hope that my physical body gets accustomed to it and the rest would follow suit soon.
They say it takes 21 days to develop a habit, let's test it out.
Sculpted@8:18 pm
Courage is not the absence of fear, in fact, it is action in spite of fear
Sculpted@10:26 pm
There is great fear. Great fear coursing through me.
Fear of being who I really can be.
Fear of achieving what I can.
Fear of overcoming that fear.
Fear is trying to wrest me back into its control.
So many psychosomatic processes and mental thoughts attempting to hold me, throwing up their biggest stunts ever to retain me in its original shape.
I see all of that, yet it has me paralyzed. As I, in an effort to triumph over it, type this out now.
It is preventing me from writing down the goals down, preventing me in a futile effort from achieving. It is so illogical and stupid to have that fear, yet it is gripping me right now.
I can see why is it so aptly named "The courage to create" now.
Break through it, bit by bit.
Sculpted@7:37 pm
Ms Tay said this to me today :" The fact that his mum does it for him, does not mean that he does not know how to do it."
Hrmm, that got me thinking and then realising that it made some sense.
relieved some of the despair.
relieved some of the tension and the stuck-up thought of mine.
relieved some of the unnecessary pressure.
Started to clean up some junk. Plenty more to go.
Bit by bit, shall clear them up. Shall remember not to increase the mess as well.
Learning to turn perspectives of frustration and detest into tools of usefulness :)
Sculpted@10:39 pm